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Business lessons from House of Cards

“House of Cards” transformed Netflix from a company that relied mostly on other studios’ content and DVD rentals into a Hollywood juggernaut that makes its own buzzy, watercooler TV and Emmy and Oscar winning films, shows and documentaries. The success of “House of Cards” helped legitimize Netflix and proved consumers were hungry for shows with shorter seasons (many Netflix shows have just 8-13 episodes) that they could view in a few sittings — a term we now all know as binge watching. Two percent of U.S. Netflix subscribers watched the entire 649 minutes of the second season in just over

Best Frank Underwood quotes from House of Cards

Frank Underwood is by far one of the most iconic characters in Kevin Spacey‘s career. Frank is cold, calculating and manipulative but he still managed to be loved by the public and made House of Cards one of the best TV series of recent decades (well, in short, clearly if we stop at the fifth season). Today we want to remember our beloved Frank Underwood with some of his best quotes. What’s your favorite one?     “Money is the Mc-mansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries. I cannot respect

MY SPACEY STORY: An alternative ending for my father

This story won’t be an easy story to read, it won’t be a happy story and won’t have a happy ending, but it is something I want to tell you about because it has to do with Kevin Spacey and one of the people I loved most in the world: my father. Many months ago my father was diagnosed with cancer, he spent the last months of his life in a bed. My father has always been a great lover of cinema and, as such, has seen hundreds of movies. I found myself in trouble when, confined to a bed, he

MY SPACEY STORY: “Sitting across from President Frank Underwood”

I had the pleasure of sitting across from this large campaign poster to elect Frank Underwood for President in 2016 while riding the subway to my office in DC one morning. It made me so happy to see it and I enjoyed it all the way to work which made my day. I came across this photo again today and realized that so much has happened since that happy day in 2016. Kevin Spacey brings so much joy to me and many others. I admire him for his many talents and also his compassionate heart and his generosity to those

People love “Let me be Frank” more than House of Cards season 6

The following article is a case study conducted by, about how Let me be Frank has been appreciated more than House of Cards season six. For those who may not be aware, two time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey has more recently been busy starring as Frank Underwood in the hit Netflix show House of Cards. Roughly a year ago at the apex of the #MeToo movement Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual misconduct and the momentum of the #MeToo movement forced Netflix to ultimately fire him from the show and air a 6th and final season without him. On December

MY SPACEY STORY: “I have a lot to learn from this guy.”

Everything started when I read an article about House Of Cards in a local TV magazine. I saw a picture of Frank Underwood surrounded by his best quotes looking with authority and confidence at me. My first thought was “I must watch this show. I have a lot to learn from this guy.“. Kevin played this character so well that I forgot he is fictional. This brilliant work of acting helped me gain self-confidence and chase away my last depression demons. After I moved on I checked who Kevin Spacey actually  was. And the process of psychological cleansing continued. Characters like Lester Burnham,

MY SPACEY STORY: What Kevin Spacey means to me

Hello guys, this is our first “My Spacey Story“, enjoy it!   I was sitting on my room, in a cloudy, hot day. In that time, I was a Fine Arts students, in Cuneo, Italy. The days were passing slowly, from a lesson to another, from a short movie project to another. I knew Kevin Spacey early in my life, I watched American Beauty when I was 8 or 9 years old, as every important movie which meant something to me. I started very soon to educate myself to cinema. And cinema, always helped me to find the answers, the words to say. Now,


Stay Spacey, Mr. Fowler

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